Short Bio
Matteo Giuliani is an associate professor in the Environmental Intelligence for Global Change Lab at Politecnico di Milano. He graduated with a double MSc degree in Environmental and Land Planning Engineering from Politecnico di Milano and Politecnico di Torino in 2010, and obtained the Diploma of the Alta Scuola Politecnica — V cycle in 2011. He received a PhD in Information Technology from Politecnico di Milano in 2014, after a visiting period at Penn State University (PA, USA). From 2018 to 2020, he was Academic Guest at ETH Zurich for a collaboration with the Swiss Competence Center for Energy Research Supply of Electricity (SCCER-SoE). His research focuses on the integrated management of water resources in complex engineering systems involving multiple actors and exposed to evolving multisectoral demands and global change; his main research areas include multi-objective optimization and control algorithms, reinforcement learning, decision-making under uncertainty and climate change adaptation design, machine learning and artificial intelligence for extreme events analysis. He is a member of the IFAC Technical Committee on Modelling and Control of Environmental Systems, the ASCE/EWRI Environmental & Water Resources Systems Technical Committee, and the AGU Water & Society Technical Committee. He is currently serving as Section Editor for the Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, and as Associate Editor for the Journal of Hydrology and the Frontiers in Water – Section on Water and Artificial Intelligence.
- PhD in Information Technology, Politecnico di Milano, 2014
- Alta Scuola Politecnica Diploma – V cycle, 2011
- MSc in Environmental and Land Planning Engineering, Politecnico di Milano and Politecnico di Torino, 2010
- BSc in Environmental and Land Planning Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, 2008
Selected Awards
- 2024 Best Policy-Oriented Paper Award for the paper Equity in Water Resources Planning: A Path Forward for Decision Support Modelers on the Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
- National Champion of the Frontiers Planet Prize 2023 for the paper Unintended consequences of climate change mitigation for African river basins published on Nature Climate Change
- 2021 EGU Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award for the Hydrological Sciences Division
- 2021 Best Research Paper Award for the paper Integrated Design of Dam Size and Operations via Reinforcement Learning on the Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
- Early Career Research Excellence Award by the international Environmental Modelling & Software society, 2018
- 2016 Best Research Paper Award for the paper Multiagent Systems and Distributed Constraint Reasoning for Regulatory Mechanism Design in Water Management published on the Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
- IDEAS/AAMAS 2016 Best Paper Award for the paper Using Multiagent Negotiation to Model Water Resources Systems Operations presented in the IDEAS workshop of AAMAS 2016 conference
Active research projects
- 2023-2025 | SAHARA: storage enhanced drought management for resilient river basins (PRIN PNRR)
- 2022-2026 | SOS Water: Water Resources System Safe Operating Space in a Changing Climate and Society (EU Horizon)
- 2021-2025 | CLINT: CLImate INTelligence: extreme events detection, attribution and adaptation design using machine learning (EU-H2020)
- 2021-2025 | GONEXUS: Innovative tools and solutions for GOverning the water-energy-food-ecosystems NEXUS under global change (EU-H2020)
Recent Publications
- Camps-Valls, G. M.-Á. Fernández-Torres, K.-H. Cohrs, A. Höhl, A. Castelletti, A. Pacal, C. Robin, F. Martinuzzi, I. Papoutsis, I. Prapas, J. Pérez-Aracil, K. Weigel, M. Gonzalez-Calabuig, M. Reichstein, M. Rabel, M. Giuliani, M.D. Mahecha, O.-I. Popescu, O.J. Pellicer-Valero, S. Ouala, S. Salcedo-Sanz, S. Sippel, S. Kondylatos, T. Happé, and T. Williams (2025), Artificial intelligence for modeling and understanding extreme weather and climate events, Nature Communications, 16, 1919
- Zanutto, D., Ficchì, A., Giuliani, M., & Castelletti, A. (2025), Reinforcement learning of multi‐timescale forecast information for designing operating policies of multi‐purpose reservoirs, Water Resources Research, 61
- Pérez-Aracil, J., C. Marina, E. Zorita, P. Zaninelli, M. Giuliani, A. Castelletti, P. Gutierrez, and S. Salcedo-Sanz (2024), Autoencoder-based flow-analogue probabilistic reconstruction of heat waves from pressure fields, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
- Ascenso, G., A. Ficchì, M. Giuliani, E. Scoccimarro, and A. Castelletti (2024), Downscaling, bias correction, and spatial adjustment of extreme tropical cyclone rainfall in ERA5 using deep learning, Weather and Climate Extremes, 46
- Jordan, S., J. Quinn, M. Zaniolo, M. Giuliani, and A. Castelletti (2024), Dam Reoperation to Mitigate Changing Climate Extremes in the Omo River Basin, Ethiopia, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 150(11)
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